Raúl Torres Rojas paintings had been reproduced in various printed forms. Several of his paintings were cover illustration of the Argentine edition of the Sheraton Hotel magazine. Another canvass was bought by Monsanto Laboratories and used for the corporate Christmas cards. After a shared show organized by the Lancõme in which he took part one of his paintings and a comment about it was included in this company 's corporate magazine, for international distribution.

Specially, from the picture that is kept in the Will Rogers Memorial, there had been printed high quality reproductions, to be sold by the institution, in the museum building and also through the institution's Internet site. Also in U.S.A. Torres Rojas paintings had been reproduced and commented in the reviews "Art of Living" and "Art Gallery International", along with articles of James Hanson y Frank Oehlschlager, respectively.

Comments and/or articles about Torres Rojas shows had been published in the Argentine reviews "Correo de Arte" and "Actualidad en el Arte" and in Argentine, Brazilian and American newspapers.

This artist is mentioned in the "Diccionario de Artistas Plásticos en la Argentina" (Argentine Fine Arts Artists Dictionary) in 1988, the "Anuario Latinoamericano de las Artes Plásticas" (Latin American Yearbook of the Fine Arts") in 1982 and in the "Anuario Mar del Plata año 100 " (Mar del Plata Yearbook, year 100), published for the 100th anniversary of Mar del Plata City.